Thursday, January 31, 2013

At the exam in Tandarei

   As I decided to look for a job in the domain I just graduated school and I herd about the reopening on the hospital from Tandarei, I started preparing for the exam. After preparing my file and submitting it to the secretariat I also found out materials I had to study. One week later i showed up for exam which  was scheduled for 11 a.m. As my car wasn't available because of some technical issues, I had to take the bus. I went to the maxi taxi bus stop that morning around 9:15 and as it was cold and it wasn't showing up I decided to take a taxi, knowing from the "Autogara Slobozia" site that the bus going to Tandarei was at 9:40 a.m. When i reached the Bus Terminal and i get off the taxi i saw the bus for Tandarei which was actually leaving at 9:30. I was lucky to catch it in time. I knew there was another one scheduled for 10:00 but i wanted to be at the hospital earlier. 30 minutes later i reached the city and i got off the bus. I started going to the hospital. I missed the street and I was again lucky to ask a local man what is the right street because i would have went wrong way. Finaly I arrived and went at the back buildings they i was directed. I was surprised to see one of the girls there that previously told me she is already hired there. when actually she was doing volunteer work. Everybody was waiting outside in the cold while the wind was shaking the snow from the trees. Later we entered the canteen to warm up. We filled a form when those responsible with the exam came. About one hour later they came with the 2 subjects and i extracted one. Apparently the questions from the exam weren't difficult the only problem was that they were not on the topic of the lessons they gave us to study and i couldn't remember if asthma presented inspiratory or expiratory dyspnea. As I knew asthma was characterized by the airways narrowing it was obvious that this narrowing was both stopping the air to go in and out. 
   This was the question at the test :-i'll come back soon with the rest of teh story

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Paste cu ciuperci

-500 gr ciuperci proaspete
-300 paste in 3 culori
-200 gr smantana
-100-200 gr cascaval mozzarela
-1 ardei gras rosu sau verde
-aprox. 100 ml ulei
-1 morcov fiert taiat rondele
-sare, piper, cimbru

Intr-o oala se pune apa la fiert si cand da in clocot se adauga pastele care se fieb in functie de minutele precizate pe pachet.Dupe ce s-au fiert se pun la scurs in strecuratoare si se clatesc cu apa rece pentu a nu se lipi.  Se curata ciupercile si ardeiul, se spata si se taie cubulete. Se pune uleiul la incins si se adauga ciupercile si ardeiul. Se pune capacul, se condimenteaza cu sare, piper, cimbru si se amesteca din cand in cand. Se lasa pe foc 10-15 minute. Apoi se opreste focul si se adauga legumele peste paste si smantana. Se rade cascavalul pe razatoarea mare. Optional se poate adauga un morcov fiert taiat rondele.E delicios. Bianca a mancat inclusiv cu coatele. Pofta buna !

6:30 a.m.

     Something weird has happened to me this morning! I woke up by 6:30. And i wasn't tired like i used to be every morning when i was actually struggling to get up from the bed. I feel incredibly good and happy after so many years of not being able to get up from the bed. I thought i was suffering of incurable laziness. Because every morning i was waking up tired. And this has happened to me in the past 6 years. I was frustrated because after many hours, and when i say many i mean from 9 to 14 hours of sleeping i couldn't be able to wake up. I was waking up angry because i did not have much time left for my daily chores. And nothing was going right. I tried to understand what was happening with me, i read about  chronic fatigue and i was blaming my busy life with work and school for it. I was hopeless and i took all this as part of my life.
     One day i called somebody to make my eyebrows because i did not have a tweezers. The girl said she did not know how to make eyebrows with tweezers  that she can do it with razors but i did not accept it like that. I wasn't very happy with what she did but there was nothing to do about it. She was specialized in false eyelashes. As i was on holidays and i decided before traveling not to make my mascara with me because it never stays on my eyelashes, and most of the times is under my eyelids, i told her to put false eyelashes for me. They were looking great. I loved them. They were a little uncomfortable and it diminished visual field, i was looking beautiful. But happiness did not last. Besides the fact that my eyes started producing tears, the eyebrows started scratching me. I was thinking is the iron from the tweezers combined with the the inexperienced cosmetician  scratched my skin.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Gogosi Pufoase

Gogosi Pufoase

500 gr faina
250 ml iaurt
2 linguri smantana grasa
1 ou
2 linguri de zahar
20 ml ulei
10 gr drojdie
zahar pudra pentru decor
Preparare:Drojdia o dizolvam in iaurt apoi o incorporam in faina adaugand si celelate ingrediente mai putin uleiul pe care il vom adauga dupa ce obtinem o coca ferma.Coca obtinuta o lasam la dospit 1 ora ,apoi o mai tinem in frigider cca 1 ora .Intindem o foaie nu prea subtire si cu ajutorul unui pahar formam gogosele.Ca sa obtinem gogosi pufoase si plin in interior le lasam la dospit 30 de minute dupa ce le-am dat forma.
Le prajim in baie de ulei si le pudram cu zahar.

Ciorba de pui a la grec

Ciorba de pui a la grec

Categorii: Retete cu carne de pui, Retete de supe si ciorbe

Ciorba de pui a la grec. Imagini pas cu pas pentru ciorba de pui a la grec
0 Buna dimineata si bine v-am regasit! Haideti in bucataria mea la o ciorba de pui a la grec delicioasa. Mai am multe noutati, mai ales culinare (inclusiv o supa de peste delicioasa), dar cand am ajuns acasa eram cam satula de peste si iar peste la fiecare masa, asa ca am preferat sa incep cu ceva usor si obligatoriu cu pui, fiindca mi-a lipsit tare mult in aceste doua saptamani.
Ciorba de pui a la grec este una din preferatele mele si este una din retetele cu un feedback excelent de la toate prietenele mele. Testata si rastestata, a devenit ciorba de pui a la grec preferata de ele.
Ingrediente pentru Ciorba de pui a la grec
1 pui de 1 kg
2 morcovi
1 radacina patrunjel mare
1 bucata telina (aprox 150 gr)
1 lingurita piper boabe negru
200 ml smantana
150 ml lapte
3 galbenusuri
60 gr orez
1 lamaie
2 lingurite sare
3 linguri ulei
2 fire marar (sau patrunjel)
  1. Se spala puiul bine, se taie bucati mari si se pune la fiert intr-o oala cu 2.5l apa rece si piperul boabe. Zarzavaturile (exceptand 1 morcov) se taie bucati mari si se pun si ele la fiert cu puiul. Se adauga 1 lingurita sare. Se fierbe la foc mediu, spumand din cand in cand. Dupa ce nu se mai face spuma se fierbe cu capac. Totul dureaza cam 1 ora, daca puiul e de casa sau mai putin daca aveti pui cumparat.
  2. Cand e bine fiarta carnea se strecoara supa. Carnea de pui se da jos de pe oase si se rupe fasii.
  3. Separat se pune la fiert orezul cu multa apa si sare, dupa instructiunile de pe pachet.
  4. Intr-o oala se pune la calit morcovul ramas dat pe razatoare in 3 linguri de ulei. Dupa ce se inmoaie un pic se adauga supa strecurata si fasiile de carnita. Se da focul la mic sub oala ca sa nu mai clocoteasca supa.
  5. Intr-un bol incapator se bat bine galbenusurile cu laptele si apoi se adauga smantana. Se pun pe rand cateva polonice de supa fierbinte (5-6) peste acest amestec si se amesteca cu telul dupa fiecare polonic ca sa nu se "branzeasca" compozitia. Turnati totul in oala cu supa, incet si amestecand tot timpul in supa.
  6. Adaugati orezul fiert si scurs. Adaugati sucul de lamaie (puneti prima data sucul de la jumatate de lamaie si apoi verificati daca mai trebuie; dupa gustul meu am pus tot sucul, imi place sa fie acrisoara). Verificati de sare si mai adaugati daca mai trebuie, eu am pus inca 1 lingurita. Se lasa pe foc mic inca 10 minute sa capete consistenta ciorba (de la galbenusuri), apoi se stinge focul si se presara marar sau patrunjel tocat.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Găluşte cu prune

Găluşte cu prune

Găluştele cu prune (Szilvas gomboc, maghiară) fac parte din moştenirea austro-ungară, de acolo de unde provin şi papanaşii fierţi. Reţetă de toamnă prin definiţie, găluştele cu prune se pregătesc cu fructe proaspete însă, se pot găti şi în afara sezonului, cu prune uscate (fără sâmburi).
Porţii: aproximativ 30 de bucăţi
Timp de preparare: 90 de minute
galuste cu prune 27 Găluşte cu prune

pentru aluat
  • 1,2 kilograme cartofi sfărâmicioşi
  • 500 grame făină
  • 150 grame zahăr pudră vanilat
  • 3 linguri ulei
  • ouă
  • 1 vârf de cuţit sare
  • 1,2 kilograme prune
  • 100 grame zahăr brun
  • 2 linguri scortisoara macinata
  • 350 grame prune uscate fără sâmburi (hidratate şi îndulcite)
  • 250 grame de prune uscate fără sâmburi
  • 2 linguri rom
  • 100 grame de zahăr
  • 2 linguri scorţişoară
pentru finisare
  • 3 linguri de unt
  • 200 grame pesemet
  • 2 linguri rase de scorţişoară
  • 4-5 linguri de zahăr
În mod tradiţional, această reţetă se prepară din prune proaspete. Totuşi, ea se poate prepara şi în afara sezonului folosind prune uscate, fără sâmburi. Cel mai simplu este să folosiţi prune hidratate (dulci şi elastice) care se găsesc în marile supermarketuri. Dacă prunele sunt foarte uscate, hidrataţi-le în apă caldă (cât să le acopere) cu zahăr, scorţişoară şi puţin rom, timp de 30 de minute.
  1. Spălaţi cartofii cu tot cu coajă şi puneţi-i la fiert în apă cu sare până devin sfărâmicioşi (aproximativ 40 de minute).
  2. Scoateţi sâmburii prunelor, cu grijă să nu le rupeţi, şi puneţi în fiecare 1/2 linguriţă de zahăr brun şi puţină scorţişoară.
  3. Goliţi apa de pe cartofi şi lăsaţi-i să se răcorească puţin.
  4. Curăţaţi cartofii, cât sunt calzi, şi treceţi-i prin răzătoarea mare sau pasaţi-i.
  5. Amestecaţi cartofii cu făină, ouă, ulei şi zahăr pudră vanilat, până obţineţi un aluat moale dar care se dezlipeşte de pe degete. Dăcă e cazul mai adăugaţi făină sau puţin ulei.
  6. Întindeţi aluatul pe o planşetă cu făină într-o foaie de 3-4 milimetri grosime.
  7. Împărţiţi aluatul cu un cuţiţ sau o rolă în pătrăţele de 3-4 degete lăţime.
  8. Puneţi câte o prună pe fiecare pătrat şi strângeţi aluatul de jur împrejurul ei până obţineţi o sferă.
    Modelaţi găluştele astfel încât prunele să fie poziţionate în mijloc iar aluatul să fie uniform distribuit.
  9. Rumeniţi pesmetul cu unt amestecând constant, la foc mic, cu mare atenţie să nu îl ardeţi. Pesmetul se va expanda (umfla) şi va prinde o culoare frumoasă. La sfârşit, adăugaţi zahărul şi scorţişoara.
  10. Fierbeţi găluştele în apă cu sare pentru aproximativ 10 minute, până când găluştele se ridică la suprafaţă.
  11. Scoateţi găluştele cu o spumieră şi scurgeţi-le de apă.
  12. Treceţi găluştele prin pesmet.
Găluştele cu prune se servesc calde dar şi reci, simple sau cu smântână şi dulceaţă.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

XVIII.Alex" friend

    I was happy every time we were going out. Many times i did not even know where we were going but i was happy to go somewhere. One of those days we went to visit one of Alex's friends that was the owner of an electrics shop. He was very kind and brought me an electric device so i can use it and boil the water in a cup and make coffee. We went to the area where he was living that day. He invited us upstairs. He was living in an apartment at the 1st floor. The apartment had a small hallway and 2 rooms. We entered one of the room that was about 2.5 by 2.5 meters. Inside they had a sofa and 2 chairs, a t.v.,a fan and a video player.When the light went off it switched off to the generator and it continued working. They served us some soft drinks. The man was living with his 3 small children, the wife and the mother in law. Chideraa wanted to enter the other room but there was no chance inside. The foams placed on the ground were occupying the whole room. The man gave me a photo album with pictures from their wedding where Alex was the best man and other pictures from their children.s baptism. I watched the pictures with Chideraa while the man was holding the youngest daughter. in the same room there was a Children's table and some small chairs. I needed to go to toilet and Alex said i shouldnt go there but i had to. The toilet was outside. The wife fallowed me and took some water from the fountain to wash the cement in the toilet. There were 3 or 4 toilets but  because there was no water they were all dirty and unkempt. From the stairs while going up you could see the roofs where all sort of garbage were thrown. From there we  went to a place where Chideraa could play because we were boring so we decided to go to the National Theater. 

XVII.Back to Lagos

     We arrived early that day back to Lagos. I was happy we were back but terrified by the idea we had so much long before my return flight. The house was the same as we left it. We brought the air conditioning with us hoping to install it in the house. I cleaned everywhere, swept the floor and cleaned the windows hoping we will be moving in the other side of the house. But the electrician that came one week later didn't succeed to install it. So we kept on sleeping with the terrible fan on. It was making an annoying noise but we had no choice.
      We discovered an acceptable restaurant not far from home called KingstineJo. They had a new building fresh painted and decorated for Christmas with air conditioning and live music. We went to eat there. I ordered some fries with chicken and Chideraa took a shaworma. I found an good orange juice there from Chivita. I tasted their ice cream but it wasn't what i was expecting. I think they forgot the fries in the pan because they were filled with oil and the meat was strong. I tasted Chideraa's shaworma and it was acceptable. The restaurant was getting very crowded in the evening. People that couldn't afford to buy something there were starring between the  bars of the fence. I hated the music not because it was bad but beause it was too loud and the sound system was poor quality. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

XVi. At the hotel in Onitcha

       Later that evening we had to look for a hotel to spend the night since we couldn't sleep in Alex; cousin apartment. We waited in the for him to make a shower. I took his so long and i was boring. Finally he came and we looked for a hotel. We found a room not far from his house. The secondary roads were extremely bad but we found a hotel close to the main road. The scar didn't get away unscratched because of the way the sidewalk in front of the gate was constructed. We went upstairs to see the rooms. The smell of kerosene was everywhere inside the building. We took 2 rooms and Alex wanted to eat outside. I tried to convince him to eat at the hotel but he didn't agree. I was tired and i didnt want to remain alone in the hotel room while they were going out to eat. Finally i decided to go with them. We stopped at a local restaurant where they ordered fried fish and beer. Chideraa was already sleeping in the back seat and i decided to stay in the car and try to sleep. But it was impossible. Later i went out but the mosquitoes were so many and i had to go back in the car. The bar was straight on sand. They took 2 big fish and they ate one at the restaurant. We took the 2nd one to the hotel room. I was happy when they decided to go back to the hotel. I went to make a shower while they stayed outside. There was absolutely no place where i could hang or put my cloth in the bathroom so i put the on the bed. I took a refreshing shower and changed into my nightwear. I was unpleasantly surprised how hard the bed was. I cant imagine what was made of and even more unpleasantly surprised by how strong the pillow was.  think it was made of straws or roots. It was terrible. The generator stopped many times and they had to restart it. It was making a terrible noise. We were too tired and we slept soon upon all the  inconvenience. The next morning we woke up early and hit the road to Lagos. We gave the fish to the guy that washed the car that evening. 
       Early in the morning we went back to Lagos. I was still tired and I managed to sleep a little in the car. 

How to transcript marriage certificate issued in Nigeria

    In order to transcript a marriage certificate issued in Nigeria  the fallowing documents are necessary:

-the marriage certificate issued in Nigeria with 3 stamps: 1st stamp from Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nigeria, 2nd stamp from the Nigerian Embassy is Romania or Romanian Embassy in Nigeria, 3rd stamp from Ministry of External Affairs of Romania,then  translated and legalized

-the birth certificate of the Nigerian member of the family  issued by the National Population Commission with 3 stamps: 1st stamp from Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nigeria, 2nd stamp from the Nigerian Embassy is Romania or Romanian Embassy in Nigeria, 3rd stamp from Ministry of External Affairs of Romania,then translated and legalized

- legalized translation of the passport of the Nigerian citizen

-a photocopy of the Romanian citizen birth certificate

-a photocopy of the identity card of the Romanian citizen

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Legalization of documents

   The marriage certificate and the birth certificate from Nigeria needs 3 stamps in order to be legalized in Romania. The first stamp was put in Nigeria at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Abuja where we paid about 4000 naira. The 2nd stamp that I had to put on the marriage certificate and attestation of birth was at the  Nigerian Embassy in Romania (Adresa: Str. Argentina nr. 41, Sector 1, Bucureşti, Telefon: (0040-21) 312.86.85; 312.79.37,Fax: (0040-21) 312.06.22, E-mail: Program de lucru: luni-vineri 08.30-16.30),for which I had to  write the application mentioned bellow. I also paid a tax of 80 usd (this 2nd stamp could have been pt at the Romanian Embassy in Nigeria which is also in Abuja). The 3rd stamp i put at the Ministry of External Affairs of Romania located that has the fallowing adress: Aleea Alexandru nr. 31, Sector 1, Bucureşti, cod 011822 and i had to pay a tax of 50 lei at the Financial Administration. The next step is to translate the documents.                   

                                                                              To His Excellency the Ambassador

                                          Application for legalization of documents,

                  I, the undersigned (name, surname)......................................(phone number......................), passport number:.................,married to (name, surname) (place of the marriage-the country)..................on..(date of the marriage)..........................................................,I would like to legalize the fallowing documents: Certificate of  Marriage no. ............................ and Attestation of Birth no..........................
            I attach the documents above mentioned, necessary to the City Hall for transcript.

           Signature:                                                                                 Date:

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

XV. Diary 16th of January 013

I went to Bucharest yesterday. I was surprised that i could be able to wake up by 5 am. I took a book with me and i ate and 1 orange in the morning. I took a cup of coffee too. I prepared a sandwich for Chideraa so that she will eat it at school. I arrived in Bucharest around 9 and i went to meet Elena at Piata Victoria. I bought a banana and ate it while i was waiting for her. I saw a shop of silver jewelry in the subway station and i was looking at them when she arrived. We looked for Street Argentina no. 41, the new address of  the Nigerian Embassy. I saw it on the map on my computer and it wasn't hard to find it. It was 20 minutes to 10 at the time we arrived at the gate. We asked the doorman and he said  we can go inside after 10 o'clock. It was extremely cold outside ad we went to walk around, looking for a cafe bar. As we didn't find we entered and pharmacy and I bought the medication I take every month  because they were finished. At 10 o 'clock we went back the the embassy gate and we asked the doorman if we can come in now. While we wre still at the gate the a black man came and he greeted us while he was going inside. I later found out he was the council. The doorman said that the people that i am looking for haven't arrived yet and then he wen inside to ask the receptionist if i can go inside. He came back shortly and told me to go inside. I gave her the documents she required and she went to the council to show him. She came back and she said that the council wants to see me. I went to his office and i explained to him what i need. He he asked me for a photocopy of my husband's passport and then he asked to see my own passport. Thank God i was inspired to bring this along with me because nobody told me i needed them. He said i have to rewrite the request for legalization of documents and he explained to me how to do it. Then i went upstairs and wrote it on a chair. While i was writing it a black boy came to th embassy. I wasnt sure if i have to write transcript or transcription so i asked for his opinion and he said  transcript is the correct work. the council came up and he thanked me for marrying a man from his country. I smiled. Elena was freezing outside and she called me. I told her that is she is feeling cold she should go and wait for me at Spring Time because i need more afew minutes to finish writing the request. She said she will wait for me outside. I finished and i left the embassy. I told the council that i need the documents fast and he said he will try to  help me. The woman said its more likely to finish them late in the evening, that she will call me if she will have them earlier. So i went with Elena to Spring time to eat. I took a Mexican salad with carrot and raisins salad and a cup of coffee.  We talked a lot as usual and after we decided to go to Unirea shopping City. We went the by foot from Victoria. We entered many shops along the way because i was looking for a medical terms book in German language. At the library we entered we found lucky jewelries that they said they brign luck or success. I felt their energy when i touched them but i did not buy any because i oculdnt decide on the color and we said that we will come back later. We saw a red bag in a shop window and we went inside and bought it. Then we went to Bershca and from there we went along the mall. Later after   we wondered around  the stores we went to kfc. I was feeling sick and i noticed i had a red spot behind my ear that was warm and swelling. At kfc i took a vegetable salad and they said i hve to choose a sauce too even if i wasn't allowed to eat it because of my allergy, and a bottle of mineral water. We could barely find a seat. Elena went and bought a cappuccino and a coffee. I hardly ate the salad because i kept of dropping the vegetables from the plastic fork. One of my teeth started paining me so hard and teh pain was extending to my head. It was unbearable. Elena  went to ask the personal for a toothpick because i was suspecting food had entered my teeth and that was the cause. They didnt have any toothpick at kfc so i broke the fork and used the stick to clear my teeth. Elena gave me an Antinevralgic pill from her bag and the pain stared reducing. After we finished the drinks we went to Universitatea where i was entering the bus to the station.  I took bus 85. I was wondering if that was the same bus where i met Alex in 2006. I arrived 5 mins before the bus was leaving and i was happy. But the happines did not last for long. I noticed the bus was making weird noises and was heaving difficulties at startup and the 2nd time this happened something broke and he had to pull over. The tooth was still paining me , it was pulsating. I put my frozen hands  on the swollen gums and the pain reduced. It was codl in the bus and i was starting to feel more and more sick. I was wondering what caused my allergy again . Was it the ketchup from the frozen salad or the coffee, or the milk. The driver removed some pieces from the car. He was outside in the cold, working alone. I wanted to go outside and help him. People in the bus started making noise because they were afraid that the last bus passing on that route will not pick them. The driver picked his tools and i thought he finished fixing the car but it wasnt so. Everybody went outside to wait for the other bus. It was late and the bus wasnt showing. The driver was talking on the phone. We was wearing only a pullover and i was thinking he will catch cold. I wanted to ask him if he would like to have my hand gloves so that his hands will not freeze but i didn't tell him. When the bus arrived people rushed to catch a seat in the bus. I was behind them. As i was expecting i had to stand butu i wasnt the only one. I was at the back of the bus so i decided to sit down on the stairs. It was better than to stand. Not long after some people came down and one kind man asked me to have a seat even if he was still standing. Finally i could warm up my frozen feet. But i was feeling more and more sick because the place behind my ear as getting more and more swollen and i was feeling this was also happening on my belly. I spoke for Elena for a long time on my headset. After 2 and half hours i arrived t my city. I felt i needed to walk home and not enter a taxi, although it was far and very cold. Nobody was on the street. I was walking fast because i wanted to get home as soon as possible. Chideraa was still playing on the computer when i arrived. I looked for an antihistaminic pill because they had finished and  there was n pharmacy open at that time. I was lucky to find a pill of symforal. The allergy was getting worst and the red spots on my body were hot and painfull. I ate some back radish because i herd it helps in allergies. Although i was extremely tired i was afraid to fall asleep because my neck was swelling. I tried to on my computer so i can write everything down but i had no conexion. I was too tired not to fall asleep. I was wondering if i will wake up in the morning because i would be here writing this. But when i wake up the allergy was worst than ever and my body kept on swelling. My lips were swolen on one side and my eye. Also i had big swollen area all aver. The ones on the back oof my neck were painful. I didnt want people to see my with this face but i had no choice i had to take my daughter to school. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

XIV.Later that day in Onitcha

  Eventually i had to go to toilet. On the way to the toilet i was surprised to see how many rooms the apartment had. Apart from the living room there were at least 4-5 rooms. They had linoleum on the ground and none of them had bed, just a foam on the floor with no sheet. I entered one of the rooms where i saw an ancient wardrobe. Not many other things in the room. I went to toilet, i just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. I did not want to imagine spending the night there. I came back to living room and Alex decided we should go out that the place is unbearable. 
   I was happy we were going out of there. And we went to a cool hotel that had a pool. I took my bathing suit from the bag and a towel. I was happy that finally i found something to keep me busy. Alex and Charles took a seat at the terrace and ordered beer. I and Chideraa went down to the iron ladder and we went to change in the locker room. None of the toilets there was functioning. Outside the locker room was a playground and checkerboard in large size with 50 cm tall plastic pieces. I had a linen shirt that i wore on top of my bathing suit and i had to come back with my sandals because she iron ladder was heated by the sun and it was impossible to place your bare feet on it.
    I went straight into the pool hoping to cool my body. Disappointment was high when I realized the water was warm. They had some swimming rings, made of plastic that looked life life rings. The color was faded by the sun and now they were reddish brown. Some places the plastic was broken and you could see the sponge inside. Bianca grabbed one of them and joined me in the water. At least i could do something i like: swimming. And i took a few laps around, swimming under the rope that was warning you that the water is getting deeper. Chideraa dropped her swimming ring in the area of deep water and i went after it. While i was swimming handing on it, i felt something on my back and i shook but  then i felt it again. When i turned my head i noticed a terrible insect with many legs, about 7 cm big and running toward me. I screamed and used the water to push it further away from me. Then i swam as fast as possible. I didn't feel like going to that side again and i went out. I left the swimming ring in the water and Chideraa was angry but her daddy came and picked it from the edge of the pool. I wore my shirt and went to sit down on the plastic chair and drank some Coca Cola . Around the pool was paved with stone tiles. Lizards of different colors and sizes were running fast up and down. 

Monday, January 7, 2013

XIII.1 day in Onitcha

I wasnt happy at all when i found out we had to spend a night in that house. I left the hotel that morning hoping that we will go back to Lagos. I wasn't expecting something like that. But only the idea of spending a night in that house was driving me crazy. The living room was bearable.It had a sofa and 4 leather chairs, sheer color, 2 or 3 glass tables of different shapes. Chidemma went to toilet and Bianca fallowed her. I did not have the guts to see the rest of the house yet. Hanging on the wall they had some wedding pictures of Dan and his wife, wearing both white. On the couch there was a head of pillows of different colors and shapes. Dan excused himself and left because he had to go back to his shop that he closed to come and meet us. Alex laid down on the couch then i pulled one of the other chairs closer to i can stretch my legs. I remembered the rice that Charles bought for me and i went downstairs to pick it from the car. The iron railing was broken and i had to go very carefully. Dan called somebody to come and fix the electricity so that we can put the air condition on. The man standing on a chair and he was working on a thick table. He could fix it so he soon left. I came back with the casserole of rice. I then went to kitchen to look for a spoon. I don't remember what i wanted to wash there, maybe my hands. There was no tap water just a few empty bottles with a rusty color, definately from the water that was inside. The kitchen had everything you needed but i think everything there was more than 50 years old. The walls were painted into a dark grey color, almost black. I noticed that from kitchen you could go to a small balcony and from there you had a second exit. The  antiquated door was barely closing. I went back to living room to eat but the food was terrible. I couldn't imagine what was in  Charles mind when he said that this is the best rice around. I ate the meat only. I found a little water in the kitchen on the bottom of one of the bottles and washed my hand. It took me a while to go and see the rest of the house, as if i knew what was expecting me 

Friday, January 4, 2013


  We left from the village early in the morning. Chidemma came with us. We went to visit one of Alex's cousins. We stopped at a market and Charles went to look for an exchange. All kind of sellers came to the window exposing their goods, hoping that i will be interested in their goods. In the left side there was a buffet where people could sit down, drink and eat traditional foods. Chidemma bought some cashew and we ate it together. Charles was wasting too much time and i was worried. Another vendor came. He was selling motivational books. It looked interesting but then I remembered how they have so many fake things and i noticed the bad quality of the paper and i gave up. I was ashamed that i spend so much time studying to books he was holding so i bought a children.s book for my daughter. With the air condition off the air inside the car was unbearable. I opened the door. Chideraa saw a vendor that was selling bread and she asked me to buy the bread for her just because it had a ScoobyDoo package. I was getting thirsty and i got off the car to check what drinks they had. I choose a CocaCola from the box with ice that the woman was keeping them It wasn't cold enough but i was thirsty so i bought it. Alex and Chideraa went to eat  at the buffet. Chidemma said that people were happy that i am eating their food when they saw me chewing on the dry donuts.
   I was wondering how any other woman can wear false eyelashes and i cant. My eyes did not want to stop dropping tears and gum was filling them, making them unbearable. I  tried to clean them but in the process i removed some lashes and they weren'.t equal anymore. So i started tearing them all off. I was hoping that i will not  got off my own lashes along with the false ones. 
   One boy entered the car from the driver's seat. I did not know him and i was surprised by his action.I placed my bag in a safer place far from his reach, then he introduced himself. He was Alex's cousin.
    He joined Bianca and her dad a the table and they ate together. Then we went to his house. My bad was occupying one seat at the back so he joined Chidemma, Charles and Bianca. It was funny and embarrassing how so many people were crowded on the back seat but it was normal thing there, they call it " manage"
    Getting to his house  required us to cross over a head that scratched the car underneath which i did not find necessary but they insisted to park the car in the yard. The 2.5 meters tall fence had pieces of glass  sticked at  the top edge  We climbed up the stairs to his apartment. Bianca was happy to see a more normal house. The entrance was getting us straight to the balcony. From the balcony we entered the living room. We sat on the armchairs. It was starting to get warmer and we were sweating. I felt so dirty and it was unbearable. Chidemma told me that we will spend the night there. I was angry that she knew it and i didn't. I said to myself that the moment i reach home i will start learning igbo again so that i will not be the last to know what happens around me.